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The holistic approach to creativity within the early years setting.
Bread Puppets
- creativity that's good enough to eat! -see Latest for more.
You may be thinking Boats & Puppets- how on earth do they go together?
Well, here at PuppetShip CIC, we see puppetry and the marine crafts as being creative activities which enliven our world, removing the boundaries from learning while empowering children and families to pick up the materials at hand and get creative.
Our goal of creating a floating home for creativity is progressing rapidly with the addition of the The ApprenticeSHIP Project our dream ship seems ever more a reality (even if we have to build it ourselves).
Our business plan has progressed greatly from the initial plans for the conversion of a barge (2004-7,) to a fitted-out small ship (2007-8) and finally towards the plans for creation of a tall ship (2008-2009),
Here is an image of our barge conversion plans in 2007, while none of these stages have so far been successful in creating a PuppetShip, the lessons we learn from each attempt inform the next. We now bring six years of project development, towards building the sustainability our new vision- to create a floating home for Puppetry and creativity in the North East.
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This is a visualisation of what the PuppetShip could look like
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